Statement of Purpose:

In keeping with our ‘Vision Statement’, the District of Parry Sound Violence Against Women Coordinating Committee through collaboration, leadership and action will work towards addressing intimate partner violence with intersectional, anti-oppressive, proactive and effective responses in the District of Parry Sound.

We will work to:

  • Address and identify systemic and cultural factors that contribute to, and perpetuate, intimate partner violence using intersectional feminist, gender-based, anti-oppressive frameworks.
  • Identify, de-construct, challenge and change cultural values and beliefs that contribute to, and/or perpetuate intimate partner violence. We aim to do this by, but not limited to, supporting members’ public education initiatives and education and training for our committee members.
  • Strengthen cross-sectoral community partnerships in order to provide more accessible and effective services to persons who experience intimate partner violence.
  • Identify and develop strategies for addressing barriers and gaps to services for persons who experience intimate partner violence in the District of Parry Sound.
  • Acknowledge the Traditional territory on which we learn, work, live and we will aim to have our members reflect the diversity of our community.

Statment of Values and Beliefs

We believe:

  1. All persons have the right to live free from intimate partner violence and experience safety in their homes and communities.
  2. Intimate partner violence is a social and community issue. The community must assume responsibility for the prevention, reduction and responses to intimate partner violence. We believe in a community that is engaged in ending intimate partner violence.
  3. In the equitable access to quality services, resources and justice for persons who experience intimate partner violence.
  4. In addressing intimate partner violence as a complex issue with many contributing factors – including, but not limited to, systemic, social/cultural, environmental and interpersonal factors.
  5. The process of disclosure if often difficult for survivors. In keeping with this understanding, we will make every effort to provide trauma-informed services.
  6. Survivors should be active participants in the development of responses and services for intimate partner violence.
  7. Abusers and/or perpetrators must be held accountable for their actions.
  8. No single organization has the ability to meet the many different needs of all survivors of intimate partner violence and their family members.
  9. In working in a manner that challenges all forms of oppression and fosters openness in identifying and responding to emerging issues and needs.
  10. In a diverse committee, that supports inclusiveness and full participation of all its members.

Updated January 2019